By Mookins
United Kingdom
I have this grwing and its still foilage and has been since probably march april time
they are huge leabes that dont seem to do anything else
whens it going to do something else?
x x x
15 Jul, 2009
Oh my goodness i didnt realise that... thats something to look forward to then
thank you Bertiefox and my apologies for my spellings I now have my glasses on to see my mistakes
x x x
15 Jul, 2009
Please don't apologise/apologize (Eng/American) for your spelling! I was an English teacher for thirty years and I sometimes wondered if some of the students were writing in the same language! And some of the greatest minds in history have been dyslexics!
Hope your Honesty flowers well next spring.
16 Jul, 2009
Next year. Honesty is a biennial so grows this year and flowers next spring.
If you can find some seed for white honesty I think it's far preferable to the common purple one.
15 Jul, 2009