rejuvenating a hedge
By Jms
United Kingdom
Good morning,
I have a hedge which comprises Euonymus (probably the common one - japonicus) and Eleagnus Ebingii.
The hedge is now about 10 - 11 ft high and is about 3 - 4 ft in depth and is very woody behind the outer leaves.
It needs to be drastically reduced in height - to about 8 ft high and the sides need to be reduced .
There are leaves on the sides and top of the hedge but beyond the outer leaves it appears to be very woody.
If these reductions are made leaving bare branches - will the hedge come back to life ?
Also - please can you tell me the best way to make these reductions in size and what time of the year is it best done.
18 Jul, 2009
I was going to add to do in spring too but Louise seems to have covered all :-)
I will add that after doing this, you could maybe apply a general slow release fertilizer.
18 Jul, 2009
The answer to the first question is yes, those bare branches WILL sprout lots of new growth.
Second question, i would get up there with short step ladder and pruners and cut them back the 3-4 feet down the length of the stems. I personally don't use any fancy tools or methods when i prune mine .... i have a single Eleagnus aswell as Euonymus hedge.
The third question, traditionally it would be done in spring but if you wanted to do this late summer you could.
I've been guilty of pruning mine at all times of year and have never had any casualties with them and i've had these plants in just about every garden i've ever had !!!
Both plants are as tough as old boots :))
18 Jul, 2009