By Umberlash
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
I have two standard lavender trees which my daughter bought for me in April this year. They have grown very well. Do I have to prune them, if so, when is the best time to do this?
30 Sep, 2012
Many thanks, think I will now wait until spring
30 Sep, 2012
If they are in pots, move them to a sheltered but sunny spot for the winter (against the house wall, possibly) and protect from strong winds.
5 Oct, 2012
Thank you.
6 Oct, 2012
Previous question
« Hello I would really like a standard shrub by my front door and can't decide...
Prune the flowering stems to as low down the plant you can go without going into leafless stem. (Trim about an inch above bare stem)
I usually do this immediately after flowering but you will probably be OK doing it now or you could wait until spring
30 Sep, 2012