By Barbaraolive
United Kingdom
For the first time I have gerown Sweet Williams from seed. They are now 2/3" tall. Should I plant them in the garden NOW or overwinter them in the cold frame and plant out in the spring?
30 Sep, 2012
thanka for that barb; now i know what to do with my lot
30 Sep, 2012
I also have planted them out. didn't realise that when i grew them from seed and planted them out that they weren't going to flower then so had them in through the cold weather till the summer when they flowered. Mine seemed to be absoultely fine.
1 Oct, 2012
They will flower better and be bigger plants if you plant them out now. Make sure that they are hardened off properly first or they will get a shock and refuse to grow!
5 Oct, 2012
I'm going to plant mine out Barbara, but mine are rather bigger.(Seeds from a GOY exchange!) Why not do half and half and see what happens?
30 Sep, 2012