any tips for a south facing scottish garden right on the beach
By Pamg
east midlands, United Kingdom
very windy, wet and sandy! on gulf stream but gets frost
and winds can be cold and strong locally gorse, rugosa roses and kniptofia run wild screening isn't possible
thought of grasses/ cordyline etc?
- 19 Jul, 2009
we have a small drystone wall thats all and don't really want to interrupt the view, large trees evenshrubs would (i think) end up horizontal
20 Jul, 2009
When you say a small, drystone wall, what does that mean exactly? Are you asking for small plants that you can insert between the bricks? Is it a double wall with room for planting in the top? How long is the wall and is there any soil in it?
20 Jul, 2009
just below waist height with grass and a small garden in front of the property, behind the wall some bulbs and hardy geranium grow but most thing suffer salt and wind damage
20 Jul, 2009
Little list of low growing things that might suit: Armeria maritima, aubretia, artemisia, centaurea, iberis, dianthus, geranium, linum, sedum, sempervivum, euphorbia, eryngium, nepeta, stachys, veronica, plus Cordyline and Phormium, Senecio, Yucca (last four, obviously, are larger) All coastal growers.
21 Jul, 2009
Grasses and Cordyline are good. How about Eleagnus, Griselinia, Tamarix, Olearia, Osmanthus.
Do you mean you can't have anything as screening?
Most Eucalyptus are great, Escallonia, Brachyglottis, Rosmarinus.
They are just the shrubby stuff. Plenty of herbaceous too. Will add after others contribute...or don't.
19 Jul, 2009