Hi Has anyone got a blueberry plant?
By Astrantia98
United Kingdom
Has anyone got a blueberry plant? are they very hard to manage. Thought I would try getting one of the new blueberries that is pink and much sweeter called "pink lemondade"
Am I right in thinking that you have to put it in acid soil don't you and feed with the other acid feed - if that's what it's called :-)
Any other tips would be appreciated.
1 Oct, 2012
If you can keep the birds off them!
1 Oct, 2012
I should add that I also add a mulch made of pine tree clippings (from neighbours Christmas trees), so soil is prob more acidic than I say. Bird do not eat mine, yet! Good crops this year with the wet weather and the leaves are a lovely red, so you also get autumn colour as well as fruit.
1 Oct, 2012
Snoopdog, would a plant grown from a cutting serve as a pollinator for the parent or do you need a different variety?
2 Oct, 2012
They are self fertilizing, though you apparently get more fruit with mixed varieties. You only need to use rain water if tap water is very hard.
3 Oct, 2012
Thank you for all your help. Now have it planted up in a pot with the acid soil. Just have to wait and see what happens how ...
5 Oct, 2012
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I keep mine in pots. They do need acid soil, but I have been using normal compost then add an acidic feed and they fruit and look fine. They are very little trouble,have few if any problems and give fruit in Aug-Sept.
1 Oct, 2012