Honeysuckle horror
By Bernard
Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom
Could anyone diagnose the problem this poor Honeysuckle is suffering from and perhaps suggest a remedy?
- 19 Jul, 2009
Spider mites???
20 Jul, 2009
Mine, an old woody one, looks very similar, and doesn't flower much, although I see yours has lots of berries. I think of it as 'old honeysuckle disease'. Not very helpful, I know. It also gets mildewed later in the year.
20 Jul, 2009
Right then, more information. the plant is actually in my daughter's garden in Oxford, so it has taken me a while to get the information.
The brown marks are part of the leaf, not on the surface and make no difference to the texture of the leaf.
No sign of any insect activity.
The plant is growing up a timber post supporting a porch roof and faces Northeast.
It doesn't seem to have affected the vitality of the plant which has flowered normally and produced seeds.
As far as my daughter can remember, it happened last year as well, she's not too sure when it starts.
Over to you.
20 Jul, 2009
See, what it makes me think of is plants growing under lime trees which get sticky and then dirt sticks to the leaves and causes discoloration, or a plant that's been affected by wood paint spray or similar, rather than it actually being a disease. Is it possible something is coming down onto the plant off the porch roof? I will check my pests and disease bible again tomorrow, but if the plant is otherwise healthy ... Just had a look and the only other thing it MIGHT be is some kind of fungal infection, though I'd expect other obvious signs really - might be worth spraying with a fungicide for leaf spot, but it may make no difference at all. I'd remove the affected leaves before they drop off in the autumn and clear the dead leaves away once they all fall. The other possibility is that its simply leaf scorch - it rains, or the leaves are wet, the hot sun hits the leaves and causes brown marks. Wish I could actually have a leaf to look at...
20 Jul, 2009
Bamboo - we could send you a leaf if you like.
21 Jul, 2009
I guess you could, but by the the time it gets here, it'll be in a much changed state!
21 Jul, 2009
This happens at the nursery where i work. They aren't under trees, but are in sun practically all day and occasionally dry out as big plants in a relatively small pot...
21 Jul, 2009
How about if we put some in a plastc bag and send first class?
21 Jul, 2009
This one is in a pot, do you think this misght be a contrbutory factor?
21 Jul, 2009
Can,t answer about Honeysuckle as don't have any in the garden. Sometimes have noticed that when certain shrubs ,bushes or trees get too dry they seem to get mildewed. t After a heavy rainfall it tends to clear up. Happened to the vine,ribes and some of our pyramid apple trees form time to time. Could it be in a dry place,near a wall?
26 Jul, 2009
Previous question
Few questions for you first: 1.does the brown rub off, or is it part of the leaf? 2. Is the honeysuckle under a tree of any kind? 3. Any sign of insect activity under the leaves or on stems? 4.When did this problem start? 5. Is the deposit sticky at all (if it is on, rather than in, the leaves)?
19 Jul, 2009