what type of pepper?
By Blackgrass
United Kingdom
I found a few seeds of a pepper..think its a sweet pepper, rather that a chilli pepper & planted them. One has grown as a result, but cannot identify it. theres no flowers yet. But its kind of like a climber & got fat leaves of various sizes, growing to 2 & half inches wide..they are furry. Its the furryness that has thrown me. As most peppers seem to be shiny leaves.
Would anybody have an idea of what its called?
21 Jul, 2009
I remember my father-in-law carefully nurturing a 'pepper plant' from seed and then wondering why it didn't produce a pepper. It turned out it was knotweed. I'd guess you haven't got anything related to a pepper, but just a weed that's come up instead. Photo would confirm this.
When you say you 'found' a few seeds, where were they?
I grow all my peppers from fruit bought in the supermarket, by the way, and always get good results, though the seed companies don't like to hear that!
21 Jul, 2009
I`m trying this image uploader..see if it works, so you can see what it looks like.
21 Jul, 2009
don`t know if that worked..try this.
21 Jul, 2009
Phew! That took a long time to load! Why didn't you just attach the photo to your question?
Anyway, I'm 90% sure it's a cape gooseberry (physalis edulis) or it could be physalis peruviana. If it has small yellowish flowers followed by 'lanterns' with little orange fruits inside the husk, that's what it is. I've just taken a leaf off one of ours in the polytunnel and it looks exactly like the one in your picture, and the growth habit is the same with lots of shoots.
Only eat the fruit when they are completely ripe as they are poisonous when still green.
21 Jul, 2009
Thank you so much..I am a dolt with computers..sorry!
21 Jul, 2009
Healthy plant too! I was going to say Aubergine but I think I now agree with Bertie.
21 Jul, 2009
Never seen a furry pepper plant.....could it be an oubergine (sp?) as they are kinda furry and greyish in colour. Im also not aware of any peppers that climb. What makes you think it's a climber exactly?
21 Jul, 2009