My Sundaville looks poorly
By Scotkat
Starting to drop leaves.
She is growing in my conservatory .was outdoors when nice but took inside with all the heavy rains we are getting.
Some leaves going yellow.
24 Jul, 2009
Sorry not got back sooner but hurt by back and not been on pc much.
Thank you for gettign back to me re my Sundaville and I am happy to say she has perked up again.
29 Jul, 2009
Previous question
Probably just transition shock - the weather, having been extremely hot, has now turned extremely cool, and you've moved it indoors - these plants always make me think of Ficus (houseplant type) which react strongly to any slight change in conditions. Assume you've checked the plant for signs of pests and disease and that it's not been over/under watered?
24 Jul, 2009