United Kingdom
I want to plant bare root apple trees that will form a barrier, not hedge, in my garden - which are the best ones to choose?
4 Oct, 2012
Perhaps ones trained as espaliers?
4 Oct, 2012
Make sure you look up what pollinates what before you buy your apple trees. I have a row of ten fruit trees on dwarfing rootstock and they vary so much in habit and fruiting. Growing them cordon fashion, at an angle, on wire supports, is another way of forming a barrier. They are said to fruit better, and easier to prune, as not so tall. Mix up early fruiters with late fruiting trees, cooking and dessert etc.....but make sure they can all be easily pollinated.
5 Oct, 2012
Yes, espalier or a row of cordons would make a splendid barrier. Make sure you have strong, possibly rot proof stakes (metal?) as they are difficult to replace in 5 years time when the trees are established. Try to visit a nearby fruit garden (National Trust etc?) to see how they are grown. And study the pruning methods. What a great project!
5 Oct, 2012
Thanks, food for thought, greatly appreciated
6 Oct, 2012
Previous question
Any really as most bare root tress will be grafted standards.
4 Oct, 2012