Brown Leaf Patches
By Irishhatter
I see from several responses to other peoples' threads that wind and water burn can cause the large brown patches that have appeared on our tree. The tree is only recently planted and is around two years old and appears otherwise healthy. Can anyone please tell me is this a temporary ailment? Once the leaves drop should the tree be Ok for next year or is there any treatment we can give?
Thanks in advance, any advice much appreciated.
On plant
Acer Cappadocicum 'Aureum'
24 Jul, 2009
next years leaves will be ok until they suffer the same fate. though of course that may not happen at all. that is the beauty of deciduous plants :o)
24 Jul, 2009
If you have planted in a windy area of the garden then you are going to suffer the same problem each year... the Acer will look tatty but it wont kill it. We've had wind burn damage on a lot of our trees this year which is unusual.
24 Jul, 2009
My acer gets wind damage in a sheltered spot by the front door but every spring it's new leaves come through as beautiful as ever...until the wind comes again!!
24 Jul, 2009
I was about to load up a picture of my Japanese acer and its beautiful deep red new leaf come through. So I would say the answer is yes it should be fine. I moved mine as it was in a rediculous place and since then the leaf has appeared
x x x
24 Jul, 2009