Do i lay stepping stones and then turf or turf and then cut out for stepping stones?
By Dsbennett
United Kingdom
Am going to be laying someturf at the back end of my garden.
Wanting to put some stepping stones accross. I have not yet found the stepping stones i like. Is it essential to lay the stepping stones first and then cut the turf around it or could it be done the other way round, so that i lay the turf and then cut out for the stepping stones at a later date.
25 Jul, 2009
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Rocks & Stones
The ones I used in my garden came from Wicks.
Laid exactly how Wyeboy said.
Have a look at my pics.
25 Jul, 2009
Would i not have to lay them on a base then? or would good compact soil be sufficient. Will have a look at wyeboy though. Thanks
25 Jul, 2009
I dug around them using them as a template, then lifted the grass. I then positioned the slabs in the new hole. Stood on them, added or took away some soil until they were level.
The turf i removed I either used else where in the garden or turned it upside down in an area I could leave it and a year later used it in the garden
25 Jul, 2009
the slab has nowear to go once youve put it in the only worry when you put lots together ie a can use the same cut out method for natural stone etc
25 Jul, 2009
If you've got friable soil to sit underneath the stone, that's all you need - if you've got solid clay soil, get some silver sand or washed builder's sand and put that underneath the stones for levelling them.
25 Jul, 2009
Thank - you for all your answers. That has helped me out no end
25 Jul, 2009
Another hint - make sure the surface of the stones is just below that of the grass - makes mowing a lot simpler
25 Jul, 2009
Flush with the grass is better - stepping stones invariably end up half covered by encroaching grass anyway.
26 Jul, 2009
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I would lay turf first then after it has settled a few weeks cut out around your stepping stones, and drop them in. Don't worry if they don't fit perfectly just fill to the stone with good soil press it well and the grass will soon grow over it.
25 Jul, 2009