By Adrian
stroud glos,
United Kingdom
Can anyone please tell me what the slime / gel is on my lawn when cool / wet. It's a small patch 1 ft x 1 ft, clear but appears a very dark green ( because of what is underneath ) and speaking to someone else, they have it too but much, much more. One thing that we have in common is that it is near Conifers ? Any ideas ?
25 Jul, 2009
sounds like slime mould activity but dont know which one. they are a fascinating group of organisms.
they are sometimes classed as a type of fungus. the gel should 'harden' and dry like a thin layer of cement or plaster. It will then produce spores. They a feeding on dead plant matter. I had a yellow one in the garden last year and it dribbled from a stump and then next day it was dry like the expanding foam builders use.
25 Jul, 2009
Seaburngirl is probably correct I think. My first thought was some sort of slime mould too. I also agree in that they are really fascinating organisms being almost amoeba-like to start with, creeping about as an amorphous (yet coordinated) mass and then becoming sedentary and reproductive like a "normal fungus".
25 Jul, 2009
That's really interesting and thank you but I think I'm going to go with the alien's theory.
26 Jul, 2009
Good for you Adrian - I suspect both Fractal and Seaburng are right, but much more fun to imagine little green men!
26 Jul, 2009
....very small little green
26 Jul, 2009
Aliens? :0)
25 Jul, 2009