By Tim1272
United Kingdom
my garden is concrete which has now cracking. Weeds grow in the cracks. What plants can be planted in these cracks that will keep the weeds away?
5 Oct, 2012
Best to start by sowing seeds directly into the cracks so that the roots can get a good purchase. Erinous alpinus (Fairy Foxglove) could be suitable.
5 Oct, 2012
You won't go far wrong with poppies.
The yellow Dicranostigma franchetianum are particularly nice and remain low growing in comparison to the traditional reds seen most often.
5 Oct, 2012
Try Erigeron karvinskianus 'Profusion' and how about Alchemilla mollis in the shady areas? Or try poking cuttings of Helianthemum (Rock Rose) in. Aquelegia and Nigella would grow there too, see if someone you know has seed on their plants now.
5 Oct, 2012
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« when is the best time to prune shrubs in Central Scotland?
certain low growing campanula will grow quite well in cracking concrete
If the cracks are big enough thymes and sedums may grow OK
5 Oct, 2012