Fruit bearing
By Arwyn600
United Kingdom
I believe we have a Japanese Acer which we have had from a 12" cutting for 10 years and this years it has developed a crop of fruit resembling sour plums, is this a normal occurence?
26 Jul, 2009
I think we can safely say it's not an Acer then! Let's have a picture so we can identify it for you.
26 Jul, 2009
Definitely not an acer a pix would help with the i.d.
27 Jul, 2009
Previous question
« I've had this plant for 2 years & last year it didn't do
strange as my acer produces the typical winged fruits of the sycamore. Are you sure it is an acer? I'd love to see a picture if possible:o)
welcome to GoY by the way.
26 Jul, 2009