I have a Homebase Patio Standard Rose bought last summer, it grew well untill February this yearwhen it showed signs of dying off, then suddenly it came back to life and grew very well untill two weeks ago when it started to repeat what happened in Februa
By Pfarmer
United Kingdom
I live in glenrothes, Fife, Scotland
26 Jul, 2009
Oh dear I bought one from Homebase yesterday for my patio area it did say that it was a new hardy variety I will have to keep my fingers crossed and will keep you updated Pfarmer
28 Jul, 2010
Previous question
I don't want to depress you unduly, but I've never known anyone keep a patio rose going for longer than 2 seasons at most - they seem to be prone to keeling over after a season, never mind two. perhaps others have a different experience, and maybe yours will revive again.
26 Jul, 2009