Is it possable to get rust resistant Hollyhocks?
By Terran
United Kingdom
Any colour.
27 Jul, 2009
'Happy Lights' is said to have rust resistance, but the species Alcea ficifolia is more dependable. They all get rust, to some degree, but these do better than the rest.
27 Jul, 2009
I've also heard it said that growing them in a very open, windy position lessens the chance of rust. I guess they would need staking then though
27 Jul, 2009
Previous question
there are rust resistant varieties, last year they were fine. this year they have finally succumbed to it a bit. i assume it has been just too wet .
i have 'appleblossom' that has just develped it. the 'nigra' had it from early june.
27 Jul, 2009