Where do I start ?
By Goldie1
United Kingdom
Good afternoon one and all, Well the rain has stopped but its still to wet to mow lawns, I have a problem with brambles, they spring up at the slightest chance.........and Bind Weed the bane of my life.is threatening to choke off some of my best bushes, I seem to spend ages just pulling this stuff up.........Any suggestions on how to weed without bending on knees ? I do use a hoe where I can but that's not always successful. Any ideas appreciated. :0)
27 Jul, 2009
But that's a bit difficult when weeds are sharing the border with Roses and Fuchsia's.......I have a lot of weeds with purple flowers on them very fast spreading and a real problem..as the roots attach themselves in any crevice.e.g. Walls/paths..Also some St Johns Wort that at the moment have contained in one area but would like to get rid of it altogether ......
and what weed killer is safe for use where there are pets ?
Thanks for your answer....BamBoo......:0)
27 Jul, 2009
Weedol - once its dry, its safe for pets. And plenty of weedkillers come in sprays these days, so as long as its not windy, you can spray just the things you want to get rid of.
27 Jul, 2009
Thank You Bamboo.
27 Jul, 2009
For the bindweed, in teh spring you can push canes in where the problem areas are and the bindweed will then, hopefully, climbe up those instead of your plants, whcih may make it easier to spray them without zapping your plants as well,
27 Jul, 2009
Thank you Sid I will try that next spring ;o)
27 Jul, 2009
If you wear rubber gloves you can dip a sponge in weed killer and spread it on the weeds without touching the plants you want to keep. If you can't reach down you could attach the sponge to a stick. My mum does this in her garden and it works quite well
8 Sep, 2010
Sounds like a case for using weedkillers - that's the only other way to deal with these pernicious weeds without bending all the time.
27 Jul, 2009