By Gralew
United Kingdom
I am thinking of getting rid of my 20yr old Mahonia tree. It hasn't flowered or fruited for a long time possibly because we've not pruned it right!! It's in a shady position, and covers a fence(ugly things fences) so I'd have to replace it with a climber or evergreen that will do this. Any ideas??? Also i am fed up of clearing up the prickly leaves!!
6 Oct, 2012
Or Garrya elliptica for long grey winter catkins. Or Winter Jasmine? Put ferns at their bases for extra interest. Buy some plasters for all the pricks you'll get removing the Mahonia!!
8 Oct, 2012
thanks Bamboo and Volunteer, will look at the plants you suggested, quite like the sound of Garrya, with the winter catkins, a new plant for me. Don't worry have stocked up with stout gloves just in case its done, alternatively with get my husband to do it!! :)
8 Oct, 2012
Fatsia japonica (best planted in Spring), Aucuba japonica; Crinodendron hookeranium if the soil is neutral or acid; Viburnum tinus so long as the area gets a couple of hours sun a day; Elaeagnus varieties
7 Oct, 2012