could anyone please tell me what this plant is?
By Desglenn
United Kingdom
I found it growing under lime trees.
Thankyou, treesandthings,bamboo,clematisqueen,moongrower,and weeding.the plant is arum maculatum. I have since been told that it is a very poisioness plant.

27 Jul, 2009
This is called Cuckoo pint or Lords and Ladies (Arum Maculatum). It's a wild flower and the leaves and berries are poisonous.
27 Jul, 2009
That's it!
27 Jul, 2009
But if left to grow the seeds/berries do turn a fantastic orange/red colour.
27 Jul, 2009
Not necessarily it looks exactly like the seed head of any Arisaema! We've ot them scattered through the garden right now waiting for the seeds to ripen so we can harvest :-)
27 Jul, 2009
I'd say Arum maculatum....Lords and Ladies. It can be useful as it will grow in very tough conditions. There is also a garden cultivar which has beautifully marked leaves.
27 Jul, 2009
Mine are natives and grow down by the edge of the woods by the wildlife pond and look fantastic.
A bit of colour in amongst the leaves.
27 Jul, 2009
Desglenn if you have a pix. of the plant itself would help
28 Jul, 2009
Yeah, Lords n Ladies - funny cos yesterday I had a day off and a lovely woodland walk with the family. My Mum & I were trying to remember if this has another common name - maybe "Jack in the ??"
Or are we confusing it with another wildflower?
28 Jul, 2009
Jack in the pulpit is the name you are looking for Weeding
28 Jul, 2009
Isn't there also a plant called Jack in the Hedge? Jack got about a bit didn't he.....
29 Jul, 2009
This plant apparently has the most common names in the UK. I forget how many but it's in the teens at least!!!
1 Aug, 2009
Desglenn an awful lot of the plants that we grow are poisonous - don't worry unless you have small children, even then just tell them not to eat anything from the garden!
1 Aug, 2009
: ) thank you Moong, that must be it!
1 Aug, 2009
I know exactly what this is, but am having a CRAFT moment also known as a senior moment) and it's not coming to me - hopefully it'll surface shortly, or someone else will tell you! It's gonna drive me mad until I either remember or someone else gives it...
27 Jul, 2009