disappearing dandelions - who dun it?
United Kingdom
I visited my cousin last weekend and his dandelions are disappearing "devoured" as he puts it. There are round bare patches where they once were. Both neighbours are not affected! We are mystified - any idea what could eat the whole thing (leaving the root underground)? I think a rabbit would leave something and not be quite so meticulous. There appears to be no other evidence. Any ideas?
29 Jul, 2009
You could then send whatever it is along to me Ian... Sorry Jo no idea as a rabbit would not confine itself to just eating dandelions!
30 Jul, 2009
Is it someone coming in and taking them? sounds rediculous but people do eat them in salads and all sorts (think its just the leaves though?
x x x
30 Jul, 2009
It could be one of those chipmunks that are eating them. I've never tasted dandelions, Iwas told they make you wet the bed.
30 Jul, 2009
ive never tried them either but apparently its the leaves you eat in salads, boiled, made into pestos all sorts of things
dont some birds eat dandelions? or is it just the seeds inside?
x x x
30 Jul, 2009
I was thinking that once we had worked out what it was we could bottle it and sell it to many a gardner!!! It totally demolishes the green and just leaves a brown patch of earth where it was . . . most bizarre . . .
30 Jul, 2009
it really sounds like someone has been out with some weed killer or boiling water, you havent got any family members to play tricks on you?
you could make a fortune if its something that can be bottled
x x x
30 Jul, 2009
Just as a point of interest - dandelions are diuretic - if ever you're given "water tablets" by the doctor for swollen legs, or bloating or something, dandelion leaves do a much better job - the most effective of all. Which is probably why they're called wet the beds - but the leaves are quite tasty in a mixed salad.
Sounds to me like someone's having a bit of a joke on you Jo - love to know if its just the leaves gone or the whole root too -bet the root's still there. Maybe its a swollen, water retaining creature trying to cure itself....
And note to Ian - lol-))
30 Jul, 2009
i would have been me taking your dandelions if i lived nearby my tortoises love them i just can't get enough lol
30 Jul, 2009
definately not a trick - my cousin lives alone in a very rural village. The nieghbours are all elderly and not likely to hobble around to pluck dandelions. I wondered if field mice or voles or even stoats might do something like this? The garden is surrounded by farmers fields - but wierd how it only seems to affect one garden!
31 Jul, 2009
Your cousin hasn't acquired a tortoise he doesn't know about, has he?
1 Aug, 2009
this is a true mystery I love it
what on earth could it be?
xx x
1 Aug, 2009
Its a phantom dandilion eater, HA HAHAHA HA :~))
1 Aug, 2009
I have been told that hedghogs eat these
have you seen any about?
x x x
3 Aug, 2009
I will ask stephen to look out for hedgehogs tortoises and phantoms and I'll let you know . . . Jo
3 Aug, 2009
Previous question
« Follow up to yesterdays question. Sorry there's not many flowers to I.D.
Is it only the Dandelions that are disapearing? If so when you find out what is causing it will you send it round to my house?
29 Jul, 2009