Calla Lily Thanks all of you for responding to my question. I have looked up the rhs site. I will probably pot it on a little and give it protection. Thanks for poison warning
By Dorjac
United Kingdom
A friend bought me this plant at an RHS garden. Bit pricey. Not happy in it's 6 inch pot. What is the /best place to plant it at this time of the year? Garden or pot? Is it very hardy?
31 Jul, 2009
Hi Seaburn girl. Label has no other info than Calla Lily. Says on label. In sun in borders. It cost so much I am afraid of what next. Definately not happy in the pot though.
31 Jul, 2009
could you post a photo?
One of the villagers has a calla that is about 4ft tall and it is in a sunny free draining border. It looks spectacular.
you could ring or email the rhs garden where it came from for advice. I have always found Harlow Carr at Harrogate good at helping.
31 Jul, 2009
Your Calla is a Zantedeschia.
ALL are very poisonous, capable of killing livestock and children. All parts of the plant are toxic, and produce irritation and swelling of the mouth and throat, acute vomiting and diarrhea.
1 Aug, 2009
Most Zantedeschia are not hardy plants, and need to be taken into a frost-free place for the winter.
The only one that seems hardy in most areas of the UK is Z. aethiopica 'Crowborough'.
I am wondering if the recent cool wet and windy 'summer' has upset yours, if it's out in the open I have my tender ones in the greenhouse, and they are not going outside.
If it is a tender one, try a bit of TLC - or, ring the RHS garden, as SBG suggested.
1 Aug, 2009
could you give its full name as shown on the label. calla lily can refer to many different ones.
31 Jul, 2009