By Carrotless
United Kingdom
About a year ago I planted a magnolia in ericacious compost in a large pot. In summer I mulched with leaf mould and watered as necessary (not too often in recent weather!. Since around July, quite a few leaves have turned brown from the tip to around half way along, then fallen off. Nice fat buds are forming, but I'm a bit worried as to its general health. Any ideas?
9 Oct, 2012
Thanks. I'll give that a go & keep an eye on watering regime.
9 Oct, 2012
My advice would be to plant it in the garden. I had one (stellata) in a pot which never did well. Once it was in the garden, it did brilliantly, flowering profusely every year!
9 Oct, 2012
I would agree, much happier in the ground.
9 Oct, 2012
Magnolias hate root disturbance so I'd leave it until spring now (which is the best time to try and move one if it's planted)
9 Oct, 2012
Humble apologies to all who took the trouble to reply. I mistakenly typed in 'magnolia' when I should have said 'camellia'. Seriously senior moment, I'm afraid! However, I imagine the advice re watering & possibly feeding would still apply? Anyway, thanks to all for your help & sorry for rather wasting your collective time!
12 Oct, 2012
Camelia's also prefer to have their feet in the soil not a pot!
12 Oct, 2012
Oh dear! Lots of TLC, then and see how we go. Thanks again, everyone.
16 Oct, 2012
Keep the soil moist and add an ericacious feed. Camellias need acidic soil and it may have been flushed out due to all the rain, hence some browning. The big buds that you are seeing are next springs flowers.
16 Oct, 2012
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I think it is a mix of being too dry (Magnolia leaves go brown from the tip due to lack of water). The heavy rain will have washed away a lot of nutrients in the soil, so add some feed pellets.
9 Oct, 2012