can you suggest plants/shrubs for containers giving all year round colour
By Carter
United Kingdom
problem they must be resistant to PEACOCKS.
thsis si foa comeracial property public access so health and safety must be taken into account. nothing to prickly or poisonus
1 Aug, 2009
~there is all sorts of hedging ~are you trying to keep the peacocks safe or off the property?~ various flowering hedging can look great but don't peacocks fly? or are you worried the plants will be chewed?
1 Aug, 2009
there as some fantastic skimmias that are evrgreen, then sweetly scented flowers, followed by berries. providing you buy the right variety. I have seen these growing down south with peacocks in residence so they must be ok.
1 Aug, 2009
I have plenty of suggestions, but I have no clue as to how peacock resistant they may or may not be. Do they eat or just attack plants?
1 Aug, 2009