are there not many butterflies
By Noseypotter
United Kingdom
we took the dogs for a walk in the forest after hearing on the news there wernt many butterflies about and sore loads of them.different sorts to and loads of other insects.lovley walk take care bye for now.

2 Aug, 2009
We seem to be having a pretty normal year for butterflies in this part of Scotland.
2 Aug, 2009
Same here in Aberdenshire - masses of them on the disused golf course I walk my dogs on early each morning. Keep meaning to take my camera - and always forget.!
2 Aug, 2009
do you think they run out of news so just make stuff up ?
2 Aug, 2009
Yes Leigh, that's a fact.
2 Aug, 2009
Plenty of white ones here...the cabbage variety but not many red admirals or peacocks etc.
2 Aug, 2009
i guess your right doc hope your all well everyone take care bye for now
2 Aug, 2009
Plenty of all kinds of Butterflies here in Kent. x
2 Aug, 2009
Plenty here too in Essex.....Hope your well Nosey....
2 Aug, 2009
judging by the number of catapillars on my brassicas the butterfly population is about to explode!.... also loads of the more colourful type on the buddlia
2 Aug, 2009
ow well looks like your all alright and nature is still doing its thing lol
2 Aug, 2009
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Hi Np, hope you are well. Yes there are loads of butterflies around of all sorts, even in this built up area.
2 Aug, 2009