By Dizzykath
United Kingdom
Bought this today without any care details, can anyone tell me if I should know anything important.
2 Aug, 2009
Thanks I had it rerduced too as there was no label, I think I will risk planting it out, I have a good sunny sheltered spot, next to a trellis.
3 Aug, 2009
You may well get away with that down in sunny Essex - but I will keep my one "mobile" in a big pot as I am on the north east coast of Scotland...Brrrr!
It will be worth it too...they are stunning...just added a wee pic. of one of mine.
3 Aug, 2009
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Hi there DK've got yourself a winner with a Sundaville! It is a member of the Periwinkle family and goes under the other name of Dipladenia. I got one a couple of years ago and have kept it in a BIG pot - so far - although I believe it can go outdoors if protected from frost overwinter. .
They love the sunshine but need to be kept in moist but well drained soil and are great in hanging baskets or growing up a trellis etc. as they can climb up to 6m . They have stunning red trumpet shaped flowers and there is a pink variety that I am growing this year. Just dead head them as required and trim the plant back a bit in the spring and it will go from strength to strength. They are very showy and don't need a lot of attention...just an occasional feed - like everything, especially in a pot!
3 Aug, 2009