Will turf be ok on soil under Leylandii?
Devon, United Kingdom
My son is about to lay turf and is wondering whether he should take up the topsoil where next door's Leylandii has dropped needles and cones for years. Will the turf grow there if he just leaves it as it is?
- 2 Aug, 2009
If the hedge is as big as I suspect it is, I've never seen cones on a Leylandii, then the soil will be totally depleted of any nutritional value... if he does want grass there he will need to rake up all the needles, cones and add a layer of new top soil. BUT the hedge is still going to continue to drop needles and will need pruning hard to keep under control.
3 Aug, 2009
thats just what i said great minds think alike i guess
3 Aug, 2009
Sorry I should have said that he is actually in the process of taking the Leylandii down. He took another one down last year so there will be no shade left at all.
Thankyou NP and MG. I'll suggest that he put down some topsoil a fter clearing the area of needles.
3 Aug, 2009
should be sorted then cool
3 Aug, 2009
Previous question
its not going to do to brilliantly there whatever you do if its to close for various reasens like shade,taking the goodness out of the soil .cant he cut the branches of his side and put up a fence pannel .
3 Aug, 2009