By Andrea
United Kingdom
Confused....should my camelia have flower buds now?...because it has!
10 Oct, 2012
Yes camelia flower buds are visible in autumn... in fact a lot of buds are :-)
10 Oct, 2012
My daffodils are 6" high at the moment !!!!!!!
10 Oct, 2012
Blame it on the weather...I thought they flowered in spring...this particular camelia is in a pot, I have had it for about 4 years and it has never produced one flower. I repotted it recently in a larger pot, maybe it`s rewarding me!
10 Oct, 2012
My camellias buds set at this time also flower buds are there on the azalea, happens every year.
10 Oct, 2012
this is perfect andrea. they set their buds from august onwards and by late November they should be fat. Mine are growing nicely too.
10 Oct, 2012
Don't forget to keep well watered during october/november Andrea because that IS when their buds form for next years flowers (:0)
10 Oct, 2012
my camellias and azalea (and indeed the rhododendron) are well ahead with their buds for Spring. Gives you hope beyond winter's strictures, eh?
10 Oct, 2012
Agree with all the above,Andrea..the right time of year to have buds..and all the rain we have had this year,is what they need to help form them..keep them well watered if we don't get any for a while..mine have recently had an ericaceous mulch as well..
10 Oct, 2012
Thanks for that, fingers crossed then I may see my first flowers in 2013!
11 Oct, 2012
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Well mine have Andrea, but I live in Cornwall and they start to flower early here, or they could just be the Sasangua variety which flower in Autumn.
10 Oct, 2012