Just discovered that I have some little buggers eating my plant buds.....slugs!
By Loriskeen
United Kingdom
Is there a costfree way of ridding the horrors please. Most of my plants are in containers and plant pots. How on earth did they get there is what I want to know?! Would they have been in the compost I purchased? If so I am not a happy bunny lol.
3 Aug, 2009
If you have areas in your garden where other wildlife will set up home, this is useful.IE: Hedgehogs(who love to live under piles of logs or tiles etc, frogs and toads will come to even the smallest pond! These are all hungry devourers of slugs! But that, of course, whilst being cost free is not an instant solution as it takes time to establish wildlife in the garden! You could try a course substance on the surface of the soil, such as grit or broken egg shells but, of course, they don't always enter via the soil. They could climb from other plants/walls etc.
3 Aug, 2009
Mongrower has suggested the beer trap, leave a small amount in the can, make the hole in the top bigger, lay the cans on your pots in the evening. The slugs will go on a binge and drown in the beer.
3 Aug, 2009
Just make sur ethey don't get too drunk, or they might wake you up with their singing!!!! Eh, Bob???
3 Aug, 2009
Don't worry Paul, I can drown them out with my snoring (or so the wife tells me ) LOL.
3 Aug, 2009
LOL Bob. In my house, it's the other way round. Julie does all the snoring!
3 Aug, 2009
Are you sure Paul.?.
3 Aug, 2009
The lip of the beer traps need to be about an inch above ground to stop beetles etc falling in to!
Anopther way is night patrols going out by torch light and picking them off, disposing how you like! I chuck mine over the fence, its only a field, but im sure they get eaten before finding way back. Not a good idea if you have neighbours thou, unless you dont like them!!!!
3 Aug, 2009
Yes, I lay awake listening to it regularly Bob. It's a shame she's not perfect like me!!!!!!!!!
3 Aug, 2009
Well of course aren't all us men!!!!
3 Aug, 2009
I'm shutting up now Bob. I think we might get out numbered on GOY on that subject!! We'll keep our heads down and pretend we didn't say anything!!??
3 Aug, 2009
Good idea guys
3 Aug, 2009
See what I mean Bob?
3 Aug, 2009
Yes I've got the idea, Paul, also got a touch of Flu, not the swine variety I hope.
3 Aug, 2009
Hahahahaha....some good coments there.
I love the beer can idea...may try it! As for the singalong it will beat the bloomin dogs barking next door.....shame they don't have any nice plants....hmmmmm, slugs over fence.
Don't get me wrong I love animals, I used to have 2 dogs myself. The neighbours take the biscuit I'm afraid...and dog poo! That's another episode...hence why I am trying so hard to have a garden...fragrant smells lol.
Anyway thanks for the tips on the slugs and I promise I will watch out for the beetles...lol...they might sign up the slugs if they are good enough!
3 Aug, 2009
Coffee grounds work well.
4 Aug, 2009
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Slugs, and snails, have a wonderful ability to climb up plant pots and containers and can also get in via any holes in the bottom. Picking them off by hand, whilst wearing rubber gloves, is one possibility, setting a beer trap or two is another. You can also buy slug pellets, ones that are kind to other animals and children, but they are not cost free.
3 Aug, 2009