By Bbjsparky
United Kingdom
I am having trouble with my streptocarpus plants, they are attracting fungus on the fleshy leaves.
Any advice will be gratefully received.
11 Oct, 2012
Thanks Seaburngirl. Yes it is white fluffy fungus. I shall try an insecticide and water from the bottom, although I don't expect to be watering to often at this time of year. Many thanks again!
11 Oct, 2012
scrape a bit off and see if there is an insect/grub in it. if there is it needs the insecticide if not there isnt any need to spray with insecticide. try a fungicide.
12 Oct, 2012
Previous question
is it a white fluffy fungus? if it is it might be wooly aphid. an insecticide that is designed to get through the 'wool' will be effective. or use a systemic insecticide. try watering less and from the bottom, keeping the stems dry.
11 Oct, 2012