arum lily
By Marymccollum
United Kingdom
This year my arum lily has produced seed heads and I don't know what to do with them? can I plant them. My arum is about 4 -5 yrs and this is the first time I have got seed heads on it.
4 Aug, 2009
It takes quite a while for any plants to grow to flowering size though, probably a couple of years. But in gardening, patience is a particular virtue!
5 Aug, 2009
Each orange segment separates and contains a seed usually surrounded by mucilage. You could squeeze the seeds out of the orange flesh and wash the seeds in a flour sieve to remove the mucilage. Sow in a seed tray or pan just below the surface of a loam/compost mix and keep in a cold frame. They should germinate next spring.
4 Aug, 2009