Can you take cuttings from aRhododendron Plant to grow roots and plant eventullay ?
By 16blueberry
United States
I have Rhododendron plants and would like to take cuttings from them or do they have seeds?
5 Aug, 2009
Usernut is right but it will take years for the Rhododendron to grow to anything of a size to flower. Take a look at for lots of info
6 Aug, 2009
Layers will take at least two years before they have rooted successfully and be removed from the parent plant
6 Aug, 2009
I did 'aerial layering' on one of my Rhodos. This involves wounding a branch in early summer, you stuff a bit of moss and rooting power into the wound, then you wrap a mixure of moss and ericaeous comp around the wound and wrap it all up in a plastic bag. Mine was well rooted by the following spring, I severed it and potted it up. My cutting is now 2 years old. It has not yet flowered but is doing well. I'm hoping for flowers next year :-)
6 Aug, 2009
Sid... dream on! Why do yo think that Rhodo's cost so much to buy?
6 Aug, 2009
Erm...what do you mean Mg? I've done this and it worked......I think I will get flowers next year as the buds are already fattening up nicely as they are on my mature Rhodos. It's about 40 cm tall and has several branches already.
6 Aug, 2009
Hi Sid from cutting to flowering size, so I'm told, is around 5 years... hence the 'dream on' :-)
7 Aug, 2009
Hi Mg - oh I see ;-) I will have to post a picture of my baby some time! lol
7 Aug, 2009
don't know about cuttings but in my work they,ve layered a few and got new plants that way.
where a low branch can touch the soil, scrape some of the bark off and press it into the soil and pin it there or place a small rock on it. in time it will grow roots and you can severe it from the main plant.
6 Aug, 2009