Moving an Acer
By Moon_grower
Hi fellow GoY'ers someone asked me for good dates for planting an acer in the ground this autumn 16 - 18 October would be a good time :-)
6 Aug, 2009
6 Aug, 2009
The best time to plant any trees is in the dormant time, prepare the area in which it should grow. If the Acer is already purchased and is in a pot, plunge the pot in the ground until the autumn, then plant after leaf fall.
6 Aug, 2009
No it is in Alzheimer's 'sitootery' which now has a roof
6 Aug, 2009
Oh! right, sorry.
6 Aug, 2009
No prob. Alzheimer asked for advice in a question and then asked me best time in lunar terms to move the acer. I forgot to check then and there - then couldn't remember who had asked the question!
6 Aug, 2009
Thanks everybody....
just home from A&E ....hence delay in responding! As MG said - it was a Lunar Query ....and the dates are now in my diary in case I DO decide to move the acer.
6 Aug, 2009
And for why were you in A & E?
6 Aug, 2009
Oh dear...well ...being a mad labrador owner...I was on the disused local golfcourse with my pair - a friend's one had done a runner and I caught him! He rewarded me by yanking me off my feet...onto my already frozen shoulder!! OUCH! One flake # and a massively torn joint and I am in a collar and cuff..feeling my age +++ !! This has been a VERY painful year - and no end in sight!! Thanks for asking, MG...old age - don't let it happen to you!
7 Aug, 2009
Oh dear sounds horribly painful - do take care. I suspect that many of us GoY are no longer spring chickens but old broilers!
7 Aug, 2009
Yes, growing old is not very nice, but I for one didn't fancy the alternative. LOL.
7 Aug, 2009
Me neither
7 Aug, 2009
Thanks MG.... that will have been me ! I will bear that in mind if and when I move my one....from the sitootery.
6 Aug, 2009