my large canary island palm was caught by frost went brown and died, i cut it back to the basic stem, what do i do know, will it grow again, lives on south coast england,
United Kingdom
is my canary island palm dead do i dig it up or will it grow ? it got caught by frost went brown and died, i cit it down to thw large stem...what do i do now ?
6 Aug, 2009
I agree with Nicky - it's August now and if there's still no sign of growth, I'm afraid it's a gonna....
6 Aug, 2009
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If you have only removed the dead leaves and left the point at which the leaves grow from alone, then it should come back, However it should be growing by now as its summer time and along way away from last frosts
If you have completely chopped it off at the base through the 'trunk' or chopped the top where the growth comes from off, then probably no it wont regrow.
Palms grow from the top as that is where the bud is. They arent like nrmally plants and trees, that can grow from a cut branch.
Its probably dead esp if its not grown yet. Any chance of a picture?
6 Aug, 2009