How can i deal with a 1 acre field full of brambles.
By Fabtabi
United Kingdom
Hi all, my grandfather has a 1 acre field that has been left unattended for the best part of 5 years. It was 5ft high in brambles/over grown rose bushes/masses of blackberry bushes. I have managed to get it all down to ankle height by using a proffesional brushcutter strimmer. However whats the best way to stop it all from growing again. My grandfather would eventually like to have some kind of grass growing back on there so can i use a weed killer on it all or will it prevent me from ever being able to grow grass on it all?? What weed killers would you recommend ??
8 Aug, 2009
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Wow think of all the veggies you could grow on a one acre field... you'd have space to keep hens too!
8 Aug, 2009
In a way it also depends on how long you want to take over the job. We cleared a lot of our 1 acre weed nfested area by the simple method of strimming at first, then going over the area with a lawn mower. It takes a fair while to return the land to grass that way though.
A farmer would not plough a field without knowing what was under the soil. For example we discovered in ours, the remains of three other houses, the foundations of which would have destroyed a ploughshare.
If you want to do the job in a hurry, then buy industrial strength Roundup (Glyphosate) The triple strength stuff is about £40 for enough to do an acre, but from a farm supplies place you can probably get it cheaper. Choose a windfree day and away you go. Brambles would probably need more than one spraying.
As you have strimmed already get the weed killer on when the new leaves appear. They soak it up better than old.
8 Aug, 2009
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A one acre field is large enough for you to get a tractor onto it. I would suggest that you get your local, friendly farmer to come in and plough the field and then come back and harrow out the roots. In the long term this will be much better than using a weedkiller.
8 Aug, 2009