Identify this plant
By Mike38
United States
Many thanks to all who replied. I think it is Star of Bethlehem, var nutans.

16 May, 2008
If it is flowering now then I would think it was a Camassia myself. L would like to see the flower face on though. It could be one of the taller Ornthiogalums.
16 May, 2008
I don't think it is a Camassia - not tall enough. Possibly an Ornithogalum, as Owdboggy suggested.
16 May, 2008
Does ornithogalum (Star of Bethlehem) have flower spikes ?thought it sent out more delicate stems bearing individual flowers.Camissa five sepals and lily like leaves this has six
and broader leaves.
16 May, 2008
The common Star of Bethlehem (Ornithogalum umbellatum) is indeed different, but this looks like Ornithogalum nutans to me, which is the drooping Star of Bethlehem. :)
16 May, 2008
Not familiar with that one Grammazoo so happy to be educated thanks.
16 May, 2008
Only 'educated' myself when I searched forever online to find out what my Star of Bethlehem were a few years ago, and was suprised at all the different varieties. Just lucky to recognize this one, lol!
16 May, 2008
Looks like an Agapanthus to me beautiful variety know theres a white called A.campanulata but would be guessing at that.
16 May, 2008