Can I put orange peel in my compost bin?
By Jimbototland
United Kingdom
Can I add orange peel to my kitchen waste and then add to my copost bin
9 Aug, 2009
You are not really supposed to put the skins of tropical fruits into the compost bin, but I am not sure why. However, my experience of doing this is that they do not rot down very easily and you may find that you are putting visible orange peel onto the garden.
9 Aug, 2009
We don't put banana skins in either for the same reason. If you have a really hot compost bin then it 'should' be okay.
9 Aug, 2009
The acidity of them upsets the worms apparently, although a bit isnt a problem, just not masses at once
9 Aug, 2009
Re not putting banana skin in compost.
For many years I have included banana skin in my bin. If you shred the skin it quickly rots down and adds to make good compost.
Put the whole skins into the bin and they take for ever to rot.
The skins are easy to shred. Put your thumb nail into the yellow outer skin to pull the skin apart. Do not push your thumb into flesh side. That soft pulp gets under the nail. It is not nice
4 Jun, 2012
they say you're not supposed to but I do. We dont eat that many citrus anyhow.
9 Aug, 2009