Is it a good idea to introduce a wild flower area and a small into my allotment?
By Jvt
United Kingdom
Is it a good idea to introduce a wild flower area and a small pond into my allotment?
As i am a total notice i was told by the letting officer of the plot that unwanted seed heads reaching other plots wouldn't make me very popular.
Do wild flowers pass as unwanted plants in allotments? I have no idea and certainly don't want to upset anyone just yet.
I feel so privileged to have this area of land that i want it to look good as well as serve a purpose.
Kind regards, John
14 Oct, 2012
Why not ask your neighbouring allotment holders for their views? If you can get them on board with the idea it will be so much easier. Sounds wonderful by the way though have you thought how you will top your pond up with water?
15 Oct, 2012
Thanks for taking the time in answering my questions. The pond and wild flower ideas have actually come from my 8 year old son as he was told a while ago that our garden wasn't big enough for a pond, but with a 30m x 15m allotment we can't really refuse now can we.
As for topping up the water in the pond, which will only be small, we are fortunate in having a water supply to each plot. We shall see as i haven't even lifted a finger yet, it's all in the planning stage just now.
Thanks again, John
15 Oct, 2012
A thought about very small ponds - they can be difficult to "balance" which means that the water can suddenly go bad and smelly. In a garden this can be solved by circulating the water with a pump but without power you can't do that. The ratio of surface area to depth is also important.If you do go ahead it might be best to keep it as a wildlife pond with native plants and make sure you have enough oxygenating pond weed. Contact English nature and ask for their advice- they used to produce a little booklet of advice which might still be available. A pond can be a source of much pleasure as well as making a home for useful frogs - best of luck with it, and enjoy!
15 Oct, 2012
There is no dividing line between flowers and weeds, it is just a matter of opinion. I have just been walking in the Pyrenees where the ground is strewn with autumn crocuses... weeds here... but sought after flowers in the UK!
Many wild flowers require very poor soil, or soil low in nutrients, to flourish, which is not likely to be previously cultivated allotment soil. However there are many things which will flourish in normal soil. I'd recommend you concentrate on plants good for pollinators like phacelia as well as sweet violets and various umbelliferous plants. Just allowing a few carrots to flower in an allotment, hardly against the rules as you are 'collecting seed', will attract thousands of insects and add an attractive feature.
15 Oct, 2012
I have no experience of allotments but they are greatly helped by beneficial insects, like bees to help pollinate plants and so improve production.
I grew a bed of wildflowers as an experiment this year. I have to say, after I had sown the seed, it took care of itself and much of the time was very pretty. On top of that, it was always buzzing with bees, hoverflies etc. As I planted an annual mixture, they would be keen to seed I guess but until next year I do not know if it has been spread far and wide or just remained in my bed. But hey, if they are wildflowers, who is to say where seed has come from?
I've never heard of a pond on an allottment but if the letting officer was told you might like one and said nothing, it must be OK. A pond is very good for wildlife, will encourage frogs, which is always good and also bring you huge enjoyment.
I hope you enjoy your patch. Sounds like you have lots of plans and enthusiasm.
14 Oct, 2012