what plants to use for autumn/winter
By Orchid1
United Kingdom
What evergreens should I plant for autumn/winter season I am a new gardener and want some colour mix if possible ??
10 Aug, 2009
Euonymous come in various varieties, some low and some tall growing. They are all variegated, some yellow/green and some pale cream/green. All are hardy and good for beginners as they are not fussy about soil or position although the colours will be a bit brighter in a sunny spot.
10 Aug, 2009
You do not say if you have large spaces or small, want low ground cover or height, in shade or sun, clay or acid lovers etc
These are in my garden and I love them but it takes time to grow most evergreens.
Burberis several to choose from.
Cornus - red stems in winter
Cotoneasters -several to choose from.
Euonymus - Japonicus (yellow) or silver queen.
Fatsia needs a lot of room
Hebe-several to choose from.
Winter flowering Jasmine.
Mahonia-several to choose from.
Skimmia - need 2 a male and female for berries.
Spirea - Arguta (my fav) and several others I have 4 different ones and love them all
Viburnum -several to choose from.
Conifers can grow very big and steal light and space
Juniperus many shades and several to choose from again these conifers will grow very big, up right or lower ground cover.
Try visiting a garden that is open and see what it is you like and require.
good luck denise
10 Aug, 2009
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« I've recently moved into a new home with a fantastic garden that has had lots...
Luckily, garden centres will soon be stocking up with the sort of plants that you may well be looking for as many sales are impulse driven.
Skimmia (several types) are popular, especially the female clones with red berries.
Viburnum tinus is another popular plant that starts flowering in late winter through to March.
Probably good to start looking about mid September in a decent garden centre near you.
10 Aug, 2009