By Magfeeney
how many varities of diarama are the easy to cultavate
16 Oct, 2012
I would add to that, that they are only frost hardy, which means that anything lower than minus 5 deg c, and you will probably lose them, but if you live near the west or south coast of Ireland you should be ok, Derek.
16 Oct, 2012
Not lost any of ours and we have been down to -20c.
16 Oct, 2012
Thanks for that Owdboggy, I was always told that they were only frost hardy, might even try some myself if they can stand minus 20, as I like the look of them, Derek.
16 Oct, 2012
The corms of ours have insinuated themselves under a patch of concrete which would give them some protection. Trouble with them is that they need a warm wet Summer and a dry Winter, not easy to provide in Britain.
16 Oct, 2012
Yes I see what you mean Owdboggy, the wet summer, not much of a problem, it,s the dry winter, lol, Derek.
18 Oct, 2012
Dieramas are quite easy from seed although they do take a couple of years before they start to flower. They need good light levels to flower so don't put them in too much shade.
16 Oct, 2012