Are there non-green lawn/ turf grasses?
By Jamesbarclay
United Kingdom
Are there suitable seeds for planting a lawn in Yellow, Red, purple, blue or white? Many plants grow in non-green colours.
12 Aug, 2009
Not grass thou, unless you dont water it, browns a colour...
12 Aug, 2009
The answer to this will not deviate with me either. No.
I have to say that if there were such things as blue, red, white or yellow grass, wouldn't you have seen it by now?! It would make front page news.
12 Aug, 2009
What about the grass that grows on sports pitches - magic stuff that appears to be 3D and usually advertises a product (lol). Seriously though, anyone who can get grass to grow in rainbow colours would become a millionaire overnight.
12 Aug, 2009
Astro turf?
12 Aug, 2009
If grass did grow in rainbow colours, I would grass over all my flowerbeds and have pschedelic swirls and patterns instead. It would be the end of gardening as we know it !!!!!
12 Aug, 2009
Just to be clear there 'are' grasses that are not green - but, they are not lawn grass!
12 Aug, 2009
You're absolutely right, James, many plants do not have green leaves - there's grey, bluey green, brown, purple, red, yellow, yellow/green, white and green - but, as Moon grower says, not a one is a plant you can use for a lawn - they cannot be walked on regularly, and they cannot be mown.
12 Aug, 2009
Just to clarify my former answer too, I was of course referring to grasses used for turf/lawns. I am familiar with glaucus, golden, copper and red leaves grasses and sedges. I should be as we sell enough of them at the nursery where I work. None are suitable though for lawns as Bamboo says.
12 Aug, 2009
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Not to the best of my knowledge
12 Aug, 2009