Why are my Polyanthuses flowering in August?
United Kingdom
I have some red polyanthuses that last year were grown in pots. I forgot about them and in the spring they were stunted and dried out. They did flower in the spring but the flowers were short and after a few days were pulled off by a teratorial cock pheasant (i saw it dioing it and think it didn't like the colour). I split the plants in May and replanted in a shady primula bed in good humous-rich moist soil. Low and behold the plants are now in full flower in mid August and have never looked better (See photo). Is this normal?
On plant
Primula polyanthus

13 Aug, 2009
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This is true. I too have some flowering at the moment.
13 Aug, 2009
yes, mine are flowering now too.
13 Aug, 2009
AND MINE...:>)
13 Aug, 2009
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Quite common with Polyanthus. They will often produce a second smaller show in late summer/autumn.
13 Aug, 2009