passion flower constance elliot plug plant care
By Sanbaz
staining blackpool, United Kingdom
i just recieved my plug plant and put into pot, can anyone addvice me on keeping it through winter or planting and feed, the plant is about 8inches and healthy looking, ive propped it with 2 canes to keep upright
- 13 Aug, 2009
thankyou bertie that was a great help, ive always wanted a passion flower and couldnt resist this one at such a low price,
13 Aug, 2009
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Although 'Constance Elliot' is a white form of passiflora caerulea, which is quite hardy, as it is so small I would certainly bring it under cover (shed, greenhouse or porch) for its first winter if it is frosty. Young growth is much more vulnerable than the older ripened wood.
If you've planted it in good compost, it shouldn't need feeding until next spring when it starts into growth, if then.
Next year plant it out into a good planting hole enriched with good loam and some blood, fish and bone or other slow breakdown fertiliser (or the slow release pellets).
It should be really trouble free and grow rampantly. Try to keep it to a good framework by pinching out unwanted shoots and encouraging it to grow one or two main stems in the first summer.
Flowers (and the fruit) come on shoots growing from the previous year's growth, so it may be a year or two before you get a mass of flowers.
13 Aug, 2009