By Dizzymartin
United Kingdom
Hi All, I'm new to the blog, stumbled across it on a google search! just wanted to say hello because I feel I'll be asking for lots of help!!
I have a very small garden area, lol! more of a back yard really with no space for ground planting, mainly flagged. I had an idea of putting trellises on the wall and growing things in pots but I'm not sure, at this time of year, what plants to use to give colour and break up the boring walls. I was also wondering if I put trellises up how I could attach the pots? has anyone got any thoughts on how I could do this? All ideas would be greatly appreciated! Ive not really done gardening before but would like to make the best of a very small space!
Thanking you in anticipation!
17 Oct, 2012
Thanks Pamg, I will suss out the search box!
18 Oct, 2012
My hubby attached the trellis to the wall on to horizontal battens. this leaves space for air circulation, helping to prevent fungal infection in the plants. They tend to be 6" higher than any troughs that are planted up.
If the troughs are big enough you can grow clematis, roses, honeysuckle and jasmines. then you can also think of shrubs like pyracantha.
in the summer there are a range of annual climbers to consider too.
18 Oct, 2012
Hi Seaburngirl, Thankyou for the info. I was hoping to avoid having to put troughs on the ground as its a really small space and I have a large german shepherd that knocks every thing over! I was hoping I could attach some pots to the trellis and keep everything above ground, thing is I dont know how??!!
18 Oct, 2012
If you attach the trellis to strong wooden battens as suggested you can use them to support wall troughs - sometimes you can find them with holes in the back for fitting over a nail or screw.
If your walls are strong and solid you could drill them and attach window boxes where you could plant trailing things,
One of our members had trellis with lots of pots and it looks amazing. Without troughs I can't think how you could grow any climbers though.
18 Oct, 2012
Thank you Steragram. I will look into the idea of using window boxes suspended from a trellis. Are you able to 'signpost' me to the link of the member with lots of pots on their trellis?
18 Oct, 2012
Can't remember, sorry - suggest you ask if anyone can remember. I seem to remember it was somebody who posts on here quite often and there were lots of replies to her photos, so you might be lucky. In fact I will ask the question for you, so keep a look out.
18 Oct, 2012
Jonah13 has a fabulous display, all grown in pots Stera.
I do apologize Dizzymartin, welcome to Goy...
18 Oct, 2012
Hi Stera & Lincslass, Thank you very much for the info, off to check it out now!
19 Oct, 2012
Look at derekp. " Building a living wall, ".
put his name into the search box and scroll down, its fascinating
19 Oct, 2012
I looked at Derekp it isn't the one I remember but it's another approach. I tried asking the question for you again trying to describe the one I meant but although lots of people replied nobody could remember the one I was thinking of.
One suggestion was to look through the Hanging basket section. Anyway, hope you have enough ideas to get you thinking!
19 Oct, 2012
Hi Dizzy welcome to Goy, there are lots of friendly helpful people here, if you want some ideas just now you can use the search right or scroll to the bottom of the page and use the alphabet. S for screening, F for fencing, P for get the idea, you get whole lists to choose from....hope it helps
18 Oct, 2012