How to stop holly trees shedding green berries?
By Zygy
United Kingdom
I live in Pembrokeshire and have two miniature holly trees (4.5ft tall by 3ft wide on single trunks) they are about 12 years old. Each year they flower profusely, set masses of berries, which grow to the normal size and then 95% are shed whilst still green, How do I prevent the shedding of the berries?
15 Aug, 2009
They are not in pots.
The droped berries are on the ground.
They are in a sheltered position.
They are in a very good condition.
22 Aug, 2009
Wouldnt of thought they act like fruit trees do- as in natural thinning of the fruits/berries- June drop in apples.
Will continue thinking
22 Aug, 2009
Im not sure why they would do this. My one never seems to drop any, but its abit hard to tell this as the gorind beneath is covered in Violets.
Can't imagine its lack of water, unless they are in pots?
Could animals be picking or knocking them off?
Is it in a windy/exposed location?
And are the plants generally in good conditions?
Sorry so many questions, but may help!
20 Aug, 2009