By Danimar
i bought mini dahlias which were beautiful, in fact they are still beautiful with lots of new buds on them. Will they come back next year?
20 Oct, 2012
I would also save and dry some of the seedheads for next year.....
20 Oct, 2012
Bertiefox has given you an excellent answer . I will just add that I save mine in a simpler way and all I can say is that it works for me. Dig up the tubers after the first frosts, clean them and let them dry , then wrap them individually in newspaper and store in a box in the garage or shed. And label each one because you will forget which is which if you have different varieties.
Not the experts way I know but I never lose any and they survive year after year.
21 Oct, 2012
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Yes, but in Fife it is unlikely you can leave them in the ground. After the first frosts, when the foliage has gone brown, dig up the tubers that the plants will have made during the growing season. Put these in a cool, frost free place covered with peat or peat free compost which is SLIGHTLY moist, not wet.
In spring, as soon as it begins to get warm, pot them up into compost to start them into growth again. The most reliable method is to put them in deep trays covered slightly with compost and with bottom heat from soil warming cable or in a heated propagator.
As soon as the tubers start producing nice strong shoots, you can pull each of these off to make dahlia cuttings, as they will root very very easily and each shoot will give you a new plant for next summer. Alternatively you can just plant the whole thing as a stronger and larger plant once the frosts are over.
20 Oct, 2012