Green Bug - what is it?
By Rosyglo
United Kingdom
These strange critters arrived in our garden last year (2008) and I thought at first they might be grass hoppers but on closer examination (not that close actually) I dont think they can be. Back again this year and now getting very brave and coming indoors.....:-(

16 Aug, 2009
If it is a cricket ...they are good at eating aphids don't squash your bug!! It looks like one of the Oak Crickets ....have a look a this site and see how it compares...
16 Aug, 2009
We get these here, indoors I mean - usually out on the stairways (live in small block of flats), particularly in warmer summers. I just thought they were grasshoppers ...
16 Aug, 2009
Thanks, I'll try to get a better photo of them. I think my one has a smooth oval shape body.
Wouldn't dream of killing it - just wondered what it was and if it caused any damage. My hubby says it does try to jump when you cup your hand around it to remove it outdoors. It doesn't make any sound -dont crickets sort of chirrup?
We also have a much smaller green bug - looks like a giant ladybird but all lime green - no photo of that yet.
16 Aug, 2009
We have a lot of them in the garden, unfortunately my 2 cats love to chase them as they hop around.
By the way, it's a Speckled Bush Cricket.
16 Aug, 2009
Oh great - a proper ID...and they are difficult to hear aren't they - as well as flightless? Sadly never seen them up here....just in books!!
16 Aug, 2009
Don't think they get as far north as us Alzheimer
16 Aug, 2009
I know. Even our grass-hoppers have nearly disappeared..can't remember the last time I heard one in this area..what are we doing to our planet.
16 Aug, 2009
We had one, note one, in the garden a couple of weeks ago Alzheimer. What are we doing to our planet... polluting it and not taking care of it in my view!
Global warming is real, it is happening, living where we do we can tell, are we really paying more than lip service to solving this - I personally do not think so!
16 Aug, 2009
Believe it or not - I hear a lot more grass-hopper warblers than grasshoppers these days!!
I totally agree - we ARE polluting our planet and as long as we as consumers demand goods from all around the globe and refuse to live within our earthly means - we deserve all we get. Don't get me started!!!
16 Aug, 2009
Don't get me started either!
16 Aug, 2009
Possibly a cricket
16 Aug, 2009