what kind of plant is this
By Kribabe24
United States
for mother day i received a plant with dark redish purple leaves...the top of the leaves have black spots....i repotted it and had to add a trellis because it is very tall and wispy...

17 May, 2008
I had one of these indoor plants many moons ago and can't recall its name ( will look it up in my old gardening notebook if I can find it).
It is a very easy plant to care for and to propagate ..... had to be for me to keep one .... it needs pinching out to encourage bushy rather than leggy growth, the bits you pinch out will root easily and make new plants. :-)
18 May, 2008
oops ..... connection problem !
18 May, 2008
ditto ..... sorry !
18 May, 2008
I have found a picture in my house plant book which looks like your plant. It MAY be 'Red Ivy' or 'Hemigraphis colorata'. It is a climbing plant, and needs bright light. Prune it when it gets too straggly. Mist occasionally and keep it in average warmth. Water liberally in spring and summer, sparingly in the winter. Repot in the spring. Good luck!
18 May, 2008
The plant I had was called Iresine herbstii, commonly known as the Beefsteak Plant, Bloodleaf or Chicken Gizzard
19 May, 2008
Can you post a photo of it please? Then someone will be able to ID it for you.
18 May, 2008