My Shiela Mary Mason fuschia has orange dust under its leaves?
By Evelyn
United Kingdom
I have just bought this plant at a stall and it is flowering beautifully. I have it in doors in a sunny window.Its leaves are dropping and I noticed this orange dust on back of leaves. I water it every day.
16 Aug, 2009
Would agree, but it is odd, my book says that Fuchsia rust is rare in Britain, yet I have seen more questions about this year than ever before.
16 Aug, 2009
You're right about that Owdboggy - I've seen 3 questions on this in a week in various places, and I've never heard of it as a problem on Fuchsias before. Funnily enough, it was the same variety each time, so perhaps its particularly prone.
16 Aug, 2009
Previous question
Sounds like a rust infection - spray with a suitable fungicide.
16 Aug, 2009