By Junie
United Kingdom
Much as i love the foliage, I was reluctant to plant one in my new garden because of the enormous height it grows to. I have been chatting to someone today who had heard that if you cut it back to about 18inches every year it will gradually develop into a round shrub of manageable size. Can anyone confirm this for me, or give me any other hints or photos. Thanks
16 Aug, 2009
Its best to do it spring time or else i found that done in late summer or autumn, it has just looked a bit un loved and cold! and it nice to look at a cut tree all winter.
And as you are probably aware, they can grow 6+foot a year! so an ideal shrub really, hack it back and it will grow again.
16 Aug, 2009
thanks both, my soil is very alkaline, do you think that will be a problem?
16 Aug, 2009
Ooh, that i don't know - i'll be interested to hear on that subject.
I and the others i know who've had it have all been on clay and that's not alkaline.
16 Aug, 2009
I planted two and they grew so fast and very high apparently they have a tendency to snap! So I had them removed. But I have seen them as bushes and the young leaves are the most attractive but unlike me you do have to keep on top of them.
16 Aug, 2009
I planted a eucalyptus about 20 years ago and it is a fine BIG specimen that drops its flowers all over my car every year..ha not so ha ! My neighbour loved my one so much she bought one but I warned her to keep it under control and hers is a now a lovely shape...and she chops it to an 8' foot wall level every year...problem solved. We are on acid ground here - so can't help on that question but the nursery that specialises in them is in Wales and no doubt they could advise...
16 Aug, 2009
I called into this nursery last year and it looked like it was closed or undergoing a change in owner? I hope it is still going.
Surprising how many species are actually hardy in the UK too. Why do people just think of E. gunnii (the most commonly seen one) when there are some great dwarf species.
I have two E. debeuzevillei in the front garden that will stay quite small and are slow growing too.
If you want a really dwarf tree, try and get hold of E. lacrimans (formerly E pauciflora var Pendula).
I have seed of it too if you want to give it a try.
17 Aug, 2009
A plants woman not too far from me has E. moorei var Nana and it stands about 12ft tall, has bright pink young growth and lovely blue green willowy leaves. It's mature now too so won't really grow much taller. It's in an exposed Northumberland garden too so is pretty hardy.
See if you can find that one as it's a peach.....well a Gum tree!
17 Aug, 2009
Thanks all, I am going to try to get one of the dwarf varieties, will let you know how I get on.
17 Aug, 2009
If I had room for even ONE more tree I would be doing as you suggest Fractal - as I love trees but my gunnii (yes I fell for its charms too - along with some others that got the chop by my far too keen gardener!!) has a flaming preservation order on it - as do all my trees in this conservation area. My neighbour was keen to have some limbs chopped off my sitka spruce - which is about 60' and was a Xmas tree (table model) 40+ years ago ..and was told he couldn't do so
I am sorry to hear that the Welsh nursery is closed...they were superb.
17 Aug, 2009
Only exception to conservations rule is if the tree is damaged, has dying limbs or is generally in bad health and therefore unsafe
22 Aug, 2009
Yup - I know..and I called in one of the best arborists I could find and when he saw it - he remarked (and wrote a cert. to validate his opinion) that it was one of the finest and healthiest Sitka Spruces he had seen outside of a forest!!!!
That put paid to any hope my neighbour had! I can now sleep easy that it wont fall in a gale...fingers and toes all crossed!
22 Aug, 2009
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I can confirm this !
I've done it myself and know various people who've done the same.
If they're cut back each year they will indeed make a shrub that reaches the size that YOU want it to be.
If they're left alone they will do as nature intended - as will every tree and shrub in our gardens .... just think of the Leylandii .... if left alone they too just skyrocket !!!
16 Aug, 2009